Class Description

Called to Share: Sharing the Gospel Through Social Media

You have hereby been called to share! We all live in a world of technology and social media. We see Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, and more everywhere we turn.  We are all member missionaries because one, we are all members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and two, people know who we are! Social media is a great way to share our beliefs with those whom we have contact.

Come and learn ways to share what we believe without fear and trepidation. Be the member missionary you have always wanted to be. You can do it using social media.  We have all been called to share.

Teacher: Judy Vogel

Here am I, Send Me: Women in the Scriptures. Missionary Examples for the Latter-days

Throughout the scriptures, we learn of women who exemplify and spread the gospel through word and deed. Let’s discover the ways they were missionary examples and how we can apply their attributes to our lives.

Teacher: Mary T. Wilson 

From Family Search to Temple Experience: When You Know How, It’s Easy

“These are your days to more fully turn your hearts to your ancestors and bring saving ordinances to millions within your families.” Elder Neil Anderson (February Ensign, p 28.)

During this class, you will learn about the following:

  • An overview of the features of the New Family Search website
  • How easy it is to do your family search and take family names to the temple
  • ‘HOW’ and ‘WHERE’ to get help

Lastly, you will receive a 30 day ‘Plan of Action’ from search to temple.

High Touch meets High Tech: Combating Satan's Digital World
We live in a world of ever increasing technology and digital stimulation. What comes with that, is also an increase of unnecessary noise and visuals bombarding to our families today.

We have been told in D&C 18:13 " Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God." Imagine if that one soul is your own child, or spouse. How great shall be your joy in the Kingdom of your Father. Many times we think of missionary work as something we do outside our homes, but the greatest missionary work you will do on earth is within your own families.

Learn how to use the Lord's Technology to help combat the noise of today and bring your own family closer to true conversion in the Lord's kingdom here on earth.

Teacher: Brad & Julie Stutz


Hastening the Work using Preach My Gospel

As members of the church, we are directly and indirectly teaching the gospel to our family, friends and associates with our every word and deeds.
Come learn about how we can use the lessons and insights found in Preach My Gospel to strengthen our personal testimony, guide our families, to be confident, and prepare ourselves for those special opportunities to share the gospel. 

As written in 1 Peter 3:15, may we “…be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you.”

Teacher: Ryan Whitney

Helping in the Vineyard: Find Volunteer and Missionary Opportunities

Please check back soon.

Teacher: Greg Bradshaw