Panel Presentation

Panel Topic: Three Facets of Sharing the Gospel

We will be discussing the following topics and giving sisters the opportunity to join in on the discussing. Bring your questions and ideas!

Easy Ways to Be a Missionary
   Guest: Jay & Jan Brower

Sharing General Conference Messages

   Guest: Mary Wilson

Family Home Evening and Missionary Work

   Guest: Liz Nielsen and Silvia Eloina Awai
Guest Bios

Jay & Jan Brower
Did you ever read the story of the country mouse and the city mouse or see Green Acres on TV? Jay was born and raised in Teton Valley, Idaho, under the Teton Peaks, on a family farm. His closest neighbor was a mile away and his address was Post Office Box 3, Felt, Idaho! Jan, on the other hand, was raised in Beautiful Bountiful, Utah in a neighborhood. Somehow they met across a ballroom at Ricks College.
When Jay heard that Jan’s last name was Schwendiman, he hoped that she was associated with the prominent farmers in Newdale, and that he might someday get a farm out of the deal. As it turned out, she came from the other Schwendiman bunch. When Jan’s mom heard that Jay was from Teton Valley, she told Jan to run. Jan misunderstood and ran toward Jay instead of the opposite direction.
They were married in the Salt Lake Temple on August 26, 1981. After they both graduated from Ricks College, they attended Brigham Young University. Jan later supported Jay at Eastern Washington University so that he could complete a Master of Social Work degree in 1985. Upon graduation they moved to this area to take a position in the Bethel School District and have never had a reason to move elsewhere! They have three wonderful children, ages 29, 25, and 19. Their names, beginning with the oldest are Aimee, Ryan, and Brianne. They enjoy hiking, biking, running, watching movies and spending time at their cabin on the Hood Canal, not to mention empty nesting!

Mary Wilson
Mary is a wife, a mother, a daughter, and the oldest of 12 children. She was born in Omaha, Nebraska, raised in Cody, Wyoming, and is a convert to the Church. She is married to a wonderful man and has 4 children and 5 grandchildren.
Mary enjoys working on family history, reading, painting, and traveling. She homeschooled her children and now currently work for Boeing. She holds a Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and a PhD, and says, “I still have so much to learn!”
She dislikes snakes, peas, and skydiving but loves chocolate, good movies, and everything about the Gospel!

Liz Nielsen
Liz Nielson was born in Vernal, Utah, to Larry and Luane Larsen. She is the youngest of nine children. In addition to her eight siblings, Liz’s parents took in many other children in need. This set an example she would never forget.

Liz started dancing at the age of seven, and quickly fell in love with ballet. In her teenage years she began choreographing and teaching her own classes, and developed a passion for teaching. Liz attended BYU on a dance scholarship, where she continued to learn and grow as a dancer and teacher.

Not long into her freshman year, Liz married Adam Nielson. While not her original plan to marry so young, looking back, she knows it was God’s plan for her. Her life with Adam has been a blessed one. Together they have lived on both coasts and in between, as Adam has trained and practiced as a physician in the United States Army. Adam and Liz have six children; four boys and two girls. It is always busy around the Nielson house! She is grateful for the gospel and the clarity and comfort it provides in her daily life. In her free time, Liz enjoys yoga, gardening and photography.
Silvia Eloina Awai
Silvia was born in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato – México, and raise in Celaya – México. She is a convert to the church and was baptized at the age of nine. She grew up in a family with three brothers and two sisters.

Silvia received her Bachelor degree in Business Administration. She and her husband, John Awai Jr., have been married for almost 28 years and have three sons, one daughter (who is serving a mission in Panama,) and two granddaughters. Since her family is bilingual, two of her children have served missions in Spanish speaking countries.

For the last eight years she has been working for the Puyallup School District as a Spanish Interpreter and Paraeducator. Among her service in the church, she has been a Stake Missionary, Young Women President, Seminary Teacher, Primary President, Relief Society President in an English speaking Branch and presently she serves as our Graham Stake - Spanish Branch Relief Society President.

Silvia grew up in a loving home, her parents thought her the value of working hard, to never give up no matter the circumstances, and that her life depended on the choices she made, whether they were good or bad. Today, Silvia is a very persistent person that won’t give up!

Even though Silvia took English classes in México, speaking English was difficult for her. When she married her husband, she insisted on going to an English speaking ward so she could learn the language. Even though her English is not perfect, her hard work and persistence paid off because she can speak the language well.

She is a kind, loving person who likes to help others. She is an active person and enjoys reading, running, and taking hikes with her family.